case study


In 2012, tapping a button to Uber across the city felt magical. By the start of 2016, this magic receded to a slew of disparate features that made the experience slow and complex to use.

my role

Lead Product Designer

business goal

Growth & expansion


+110% YoY ARR growth rate


Dec 2021 - Dec 2022

the problem

How might we elevate our platform to stand out in the market and secure more deals?

XYZ Corp's e-commerce platform was experiencing a 65% cart abandonment rate, translating to an estimated $2M annual revenue loss.

Analysis revealed that 70% of abandonments occurred during the checkout process, with users citing a 'complicated and time-consuming' experience.

The problem disproportionately affected mobile users (80% of our traffic) and was particularly acute for first-time customers.

Solving this issue was projected to increase revenue by 30% and improve customer retention by 25%.

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